John Paul 2 High Chapters Updated
I finally got around to updating the sample chapters on John Paul 2 High to the new revised chapters. Thanks to some of your feedback, we caught more typos. So the new (and hopefully final!) version of Chapter One is up.
Thanks again to all of you who rated it. If you want to rate the new chapters, go ahead, just add "rated before" in the comments section. Thanks!
And if you want to look around carefully for a link to Chapter Two and maybe even Chapter Three... I put up a new hidden link to each one.
Secret Door Alert! Happy Hunting!
Thanks again to all of you who rated it. If you want to rate the new chapters, go ahead, just add "rated before" in the comments section. Thanks!
And if you want to look around carefully for a link to Chapter Two and maybe even Chapter Three... I put up a new hidden link to each one.
Secret Door Alert! Happy Hunting!
Wow! That was so cool! I was looking for chapters two and three but stumbled upon the school instead.
Can't wait for these books! Btw, do you by any chance have a specific date in September when these will be released? Thanks!
God bless,
P.S. I'm not giving up my chapter search...
BTW I'm currently working with the writers of Books 3 and 4 in the series, and I have to say, those books are looking pretty good!
a crazy happy fan
About a second generation of Denniston/Brier adventures: I've no idea - yet! Pray, and wait and see!
Can't wait for these books! God bless!
God bless the writer (and the editor!) of John Paul 2 - excuse me - John Paul II High!
P.S. A Halloween Dance showdown? Sounds exciting!
I don't know yet *when* the book will be released. Like I said, pray for smooth sailing!
But since I did just have the the typeset manuscript open -- Hmmm -- I can tell you that right now the book is going to be about 248 pages long. It may end up slightly longer or shorter, depending on the font, plus any extra pages they add for copyright, extra pictures, etc.
And I personally think the Halloween showdown is a pretty cool scene -- though I think that guys might possibly enjoy it more than girls. One challenge in writing it was to make the scene fun for girls as well -- and I think Christian Frank did a great job.
God bless,
P.S. 248 pages?!? Yahoo!
Like the first two chapeters!!!
"When does a why sound like the tail end of me?
Say the correct word, and thou shall see.
'Tis only one letter, at the end of a word,
'Tis never silent, 'tis always heard.
Look ye around, search ye carefully.
(Check line number 1 in paragraph 3.)
When thou findest the door, do not tell anyone else,
Let them findest the secret passage themselves."
Merry Hunting! ('Tis hunting season, thou know, but if it pleasest thou, do not shoot any-person, or thing, on this hunt.)
Fare Thee well! I leave thee now,
Lady "Rose"
(A.K.A. A poet who knows it)
Post Script: All words of the royal riddle are spelt correctly, I can not speaketh for the rest.
Post Post Script: Without reavealing the location of the Hidden Passageway, lettest me know if the riddle was hard or if 'twas easy.
And btw REgina, I really liked the second chapter and the final version of the first chapter. The first chapter is so much better now then before!
Thank you so much! Rereading the riddle, it is rather obvious, but thanks a ton!
Regina, I loved it! It was so cool! I really liked the part where Mr. Costain says, 'God created order, but the devil invented bureaucracies.' So funny! And true!
I found chapter two by sheer chance. I think my guardian angel finally took pity on me and guided my hand over the link.
I see what you and the others meant by finding by yourself, it's so much more fun that way! I screamed for about two minuiets. But I know I never would have found it were it not for Amanda a.k.a.'Rose', so huge thanks to her and everyone.
You must have had a laugh, Regina, watching us girls scurry all over the site, then collasping in tears at your feet when all the while it was right under our nose.
So, for anyone else like me, and are uttterly clueless, listen carefully to Amanda's words.
Good luck!
p.s. Regina, pass my praise along to the author. He writes wonderfully! I am so going to my bookstore and talking them in to ordering it. All the other Catholic/Christian fiction for teens they have is rubbish.
God's blessing on you and your baby, as well!