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Starting on Substack

On the occasion, of my son Joshua's birthday this year,  I’ve decided to turn my blog into a Substack . First, because I’ve become a voracious reader of Substacks, much as I used to be a voracious blog reader. I pretty much followed  Rod Dreher  over here and then discovered  N.S. Lyons  and  Michael Warren Davis , and when I saw my friend  Mary Ellen Barrett  had jumped on board, I felt an invitation of the sort I hadn’t felt since high school. You know, when the older students are doing something amazing and you’re kind of hanging out and watching in an admixture of admiration and envy, and then one of them turns around, and with a shock you recognize her as someone who knows you, and she says, “Hey! Come on! You can do this too!” So here I am. Having teenagers of my own and moving into teaching high school pretty much full time kind of killed my writing. I’ve always enjoyed teens, ever since I found myself the oldest of a large family whose you...

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