No Matter What Happens, Blessed Be His Name

Thanks so much to those of you who've reached out to me on Joshua's anniversary. It means very much. The one thing that has helped me deal with my own grief more than anything else is helping those who are also grieving. 

I grouped together with a few other grieving resources in a new category on my website: the handout of the blog post on 20 Things You Can Do For Those Who Grieve and the story I wrote for my own children which Ben Hatke kindly illustrated, The Story of Job. I hope this will make it easier to find.

Relevant Radio will be interviewing me on these topics this coming Tuesday August 6 on their Morning Air show. I began posting this material because four people from my parish died this past month, including two who I counted as good friends, and we had friends who had friends who experienced other tragedies. Even in the midst of a summer full of blindingly bright sunshine and quiet days of children playing and reading books, our family has mourned, and joined with others in mourning. St. Paul's command is ever perennial: Weep with those who weep.

Let us pray for the souls of all those who have died this summer, and those who mourn for them. 


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