Get the Fairy Tale Novels at your local EBM

Have you ever heard of an EBM?  The Expresso Book Machine is a revolutionary invention, an "ATM for books."  You tell the machine what title you want, and the machine will print, bind, trim, and deliver the perfect-bound, full color cover, library-quality paperback book to you while you wait: about four minutes. Click here to find out more.

EBMs are starting to appear in bookstores and someday may even be in libraries. Right now, about two million titles are available to be printed through an EBM--and the Fairy Tale Novels are among them.  It's hard to believe it, but through a strategic partnership, all tiltles available through our printer, Lightning Source, are available at an EBM, which means that our books could potentially be available anywhere in the world--so long as there's an EBM nearby.

So if you spot an EBM at your bookstore, just know you've found one of the fastest, easiest ways available to get your own copy of The Shadow of the Bear, Black as Night, Waking Rose, and The Midnight DancersAnd if you use an EBM to buy one of my books, let me know!


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