Introducing our picture books! The Monks and the Story of Job

I am very pleased to let you know about two picture books we have recently released, the first ones ever published by Chesterton Press. The Story of Job is my retelling of the book of Job which I told to my own children, and which my friend Ben Hatke kindly illustrated. It's been a family favorite which I've shared with audiences when I speak on suffering. After years of audience members requesting their own copy, I am pleased that it's finally in print. I hope it will help other families the way it helped ours. As for the other book...

Several years ago, I was acquisitions editor for Sophia Institute Press, and The Monks' Daily Bread manuscript by my friend Sylvia Dorham found its way into my inbox. I was charmed by the concept, delighted by the Dr. Seuss-like rhymes, and wanted to see the book get into print. But although publisher John Barger shepherded Sylvia through several grueling rounds of revisions which made the book better and funnier each time, Sophia Press ultimately decided not to publish the book.

So when I went back to working full-time for my own company, Chesterton Press, and I found that Sylvia hadn't yet found a publisher, I couldn't resist offering... Sylvia's response? "Ok, twist my arm! Harder!"


The final piece of the puzzle arrived in the form of a clever little art portfolio tucked into an envelope which I found in the mail later that year, featuring an accordion of original superhero trading cards, three original tiny comic books, and a handwritten card from an artist I had never heard of: Christopher Tupa. At some point, it occurred to me that he would be the perfect artist to illustrate this funny story.

So it is with much pleasure that I introduce to you the first picture books from Chesterton Press: I hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed helping to create them! 

Peace and good.


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