Regina returned from the hosptial today

Thank you all for your prayers! She's recovering, but doing well. We're glad to have her back.
-- Regina's husband


Clare said…
So glad to hear that she's home, and still doing well... continued prayers for her!
Anonymous said…
I am so glad to hear that she is home and doing well. My family and I will keep praying for a very fast recovery.
God bless,
Anonymous said…
glad you're better!

now that you're back....WHEN do we get to read the twelve princesses book????
Delaney said…
So glad she's home and doing well! :) *sends an e-hug*
Seraphina said…
Hey, it's me Anna-Marie--again. Did you get my comment?

I've never done blogs before.
Seraphina said…
Hi, I guess my comment I mentioned earlier never came through. Anyway, here's something similar to what I wrote earlier: :)

Hey Regina. You probably don’t remember me, since it’s been a long while, but this is Anna-Marie Pesely.
I’ve been meaning to write to you for a while but with college and everything, it’s been so hard to find time to write.
Anyway, I wanted to say that I’m so glad that you are feeling better, and that I was so happy for you and your family about Paula (Polly).
She’s so beautiful! 
I also wanted to tell you that around Christmas time, I managed to get my mom to read The Shadow of the Bear to my brothers and sisters. I loved your books so much that I knew my family would love them too. We’ve also read Black as Night, and are half way through Waking Rose.

I also got The Shadow of the Bear audio drama and I loved it! I was so sad when I saw that after all your hard work that it didn’t sell very well. Oh I know it’s not the book, but some people have hard time just to read, even for enjoyment. Sometimes listening to audio book helps, and I’m going to lend to friend who hasn’t had a chance to finish the book. I was just thinking it would be so awesome if it were made into a movie. I’m sure if more Catholics and young people were aware of your books, they would purchase the audio drama too. It’s so hard to find good Christian fiction, especially by today Catholic writers. Your works are so awesome. I wouldn’t have found out about them if my friend, Annemare, didn’t tell me about them.

Anyway, one my brothers whose been listening to my mom read your books every night, particularly enjoys them, and he could use your prayers. He’s has anorexia, and we are very worried about him.

Anyway, before I go, I have a few questions:
1) I’m so excited about your fourth book, and I heard Rose and Fish will be in it. Will Bear and Blanche be in it too? I hope so.  Any idea when it will be published?

2) I have heard you have revised of The Shadow of the Bear, ten chapters, I think. Is that just on the computer or in actually book on sale?

3) What do you think about Ursula K. Le Guin and her writing? Is she any good? I heard you mention her in Waking Rose, and I wasn’t sure about your opinion?
Anyway, I better go. Keep up the great work!
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad to here she is feeling better!
regina doman said…
Hi Anna-Marie!

I DO remember you! Good to hear from you again! Sorry it took me a while to answer your questions. BTW I can't believe you're in college now :O and I'm glad you liked the audio drama~!

1) I’m so excited about your fourth book, and I heard Rose and Fish will be in it. Will Bear and Blanche be in it too? I hope so. Any idea when it will be published?

I can pretty much say that you will *not* see Bear or Blanche in this book, and I think Rose only says one (forgettable) line as of right now. The book is very much *not* about the Brier/Denniston siblings. We're in a different world, and right now the main character is bored even hearing about Rose's wedding (she doesn't know Rose, of course). BTW this means you don't get such a great glimpse of Rose's wedding (so sorry).

As for when it will be published -- sometime in the early summer, I hope! Pray for me: I'm working on it now, but only in short bursts (I'm still really wiped out from being sick).

2) I have heard you have revised of The Shadow of the Bear, ten chapters, I think. Is that just on the computer or in actually book on sale?

The book that is for sale right now on Lulu contains the revisions. I don't *think* they're very dramatic revisions: they just make the first few chapters flow more quickly.

3) What do you think about Ursula K. Le Guin and her writing? Is she any good? I heard you mention her in Waking Rose, and I wasn’t sure about your opinion?

I *still* have not read any Ursula LeGuin (I have a hard time reading fantasy as I get older, very odd...). For Waking Rose, I summarized an argument I heard two of my in-laws having about LeGuin. Fish seems to me like someone who would read fantasy, so that's why I gave him that topic to argue about.

My vague impression is that LeGuin is pretty New Age and not very redeemable. I doubt I'll get around to reading her: I have a list of books folks have asked about, and right now I'm trying to get around to reading the Twilight series first. I generally have to read fiction when I'm not writing fiction, so sometimes this is tough to do.

Good to hear from you again: thanks for the questions!

As for Anonymous asking about The Midnight Dancers -- pacenza! It will come when it comes. :)
Delaney said…
"right now the main character is bored even hearing about Rose's wedding (she doesn't know Rose, of course)."

So does Paul talk about Rose a good bit to Rachel?
regina doman said…
Nope, he never mentions her to Rachel at all. Rose is pretty much a non-character in this book. So be prepared!

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