Happy Birthday Rose Brier!

Just a quick post in honor of "the most awesome character so far" as one poster put it. :)
It's also the birthday of one of my sisters today: happy birthday Jessy! Like Rose, Jessy is funny, spunky, and adventurous, and although she doesn't have red hair, and her husband reminds me far more of Bear than of Fish, I've always told her she could be the heroine of a novel. She's expecting her first baby right now, so if you think of it, say a prayer for her and little Foo-foo! (as she calls him/her).


Anonymous said…
happy birthday rose!!!!
Anonymous said…
happy birthday rose!!!!
Anonymous said…
happy birthday rose!!!!
Anonymous said…
Rose is the best!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Rose!
And Happy Birthday for Jessy. I'll definitely be praying for the baby.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Rose Brier!
Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday Rose! I'd like to take this opportunity to let you know that you are my favorite character. Have a blessed All Souls' Day!
Anonymous said…
How old is Rose, and in what year was she born?
Just curious.
Claire said…
Happy Birthday, wonderful girl! =) Hope everyone has a rosy day, in honor of you!
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday Rose! How old is she now, Regina? 21? My friend who writes stories says one of her characters is growing up faster than she can write about him. :P

And happy birthday to Jessy! :)

I just reread The Shadow of the Bear last night, and I have a few questions to ask. I can't remember them just now, so they'll be coming soon.
Anonymous said…
YAY i'm soooo excited! happy b-day
rose here's to many more! as i'm sure there will be, i'll be praying for foo-foo :)
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Rose! And a very blessed birthday to Jesse. I'll be sure to keep her and the baby in my prayers.

Aubrey H.
Anonymous said…
P.S. Mine was late because our computer was whacked last night. But in spirit it was there about 7: 30 pm last night.
Elizabeth said…
Happy birthday, dear Rose, happy birthday to you!
Also happy birthday to your sister Jessy! First baby! How wonderful! :)
Anonymous said…
Regina, when is YOUR birthday????

(You HAVE to tell us!!!)
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday, Rose! And many, many others! (in future books, perhaps?:)
You guys, you know what was so cool? On Halloween, my school had a Medieval Fest instead of a typical halloween party. (my school is so small, family run, etc, that it classifies as homeschooling, I think! Lol)
I have to say the medieval fest was my idea: after reading Waking Rose, with her Octoberfest and all, and with all my family at Christendom, having a blast there, I wanted fun at home! So we put together a wonderful fest, with wonderful chiffony-drapes hanging everywhere, and fall flowers, ivy strands, glittered stars, etc, EVERYWHERE! All of my class came in for the part: damsels in majestic purple gowns, a peasant in green and brown, a Queen, Robin Hood and Maid Marion, etc!!!! It was such fun! I came in last year's Eowyn costume (ie: the white gown with the brown vest that she wore when she was first introduced in the movie- with her hair down, the wind blowing, and the flag falling; the dress in that part, sleeves included!!!! Yeah!!!!!). So I was scowering my closet for decent shows with my best friend (another Fairytale novel fan!!!) when we brainstormed!!!
Yes, I know you guys guessed it! We went barefoot, in October. (Fish would be tisk, tisking at us, I know!) But we were running barefoot on the cold ground, just having an absolute blast!!!! All the adults thought we were nuts, but I knew you all would approve!
I had such a great time, Regina, thanks sooooooo much for the wonderful books, and the beautiful parts that i think all of us fans can relate to!!
Anonymous said…
whoops, the phone just rang, and I was distracted when I signed my name! That last comment(the barefooted one) was from Alyssa, not Regina... I don't know what I was thinking there!
Anonymous said…
My brother and I just finished reading Shadow of the Bear for his first time yesterday. Since my sister and I are constantly talking about the book he was dying to hear the story but we made him wait until his preteen year. Well, he LOVED it. And... he LOVED ROSE!!! He thinks she is the absolute best and proclaims she is his favorite character. He didn't even mind the thrift store scene because he thought Rose was so funny. He can't get over how great the book was and insisted we start Black as Night today. Of course we did and he loves Brother Leon! (Even though we've only read the first chapter so far.) He's sad that Rose isn't in the BaN that much but it only makes him more excited about Waking Rose. (Plus, the glimpses we do get of Rose in BaN are some of the best Rose/Fish scenes ever!)
So, I just wanted to tell Rose she has captured yet another boy's heart. (Hee, hee.) Just kidding, my bro hopes to become a priest! So say a prayer for his vocation if you will!
Thank you, Mrs. Doman, for such awesome books that both girls AND boys can enjoy!
P.S. Alyssa, sounds like your party was a blast!
regina doman said…
Q: How old is Rose, and in what year was she born?

A: For fear of making a mathematical mistake I'll regret, I don't think I will answer this question. Maybe I'll say, like all great characters, she's timeless! :)

Q: Regina, when is YOUR birthday????

A: Um, January 5th, and I'll be 38 years old in 2008.

Alyssa, I agree: your party sounds fantastic!

Mae, I'm delighted to have acquired another vocal male fan! (Most boys and men who like my books never write in to say so - guy thing) Definitely prayers.
Anonymous said…
Cool, two days before my dad's birthday! I will remember! (and mark it on the calander, just to be on the safe side!)

Alyssa... wish I could have been there!

God Bless!
Anonymous said…
I know you guys, I wish you could be there, too- (wouldn't it be great to meet fellow fans?) :)
Mae, your brother sounds awesome. I'll pray for his vocation; I love priests.... :)
Anonymous said…
Alyssa, where did you get your Eowyn costume from? Did you make it, or did you buy it? Whichever one, I would love to know where you got it from! (You know, I was going to go barefoot to our All Saints Day Party (I was St. Rose of Lima, *ha ha... Rose*, but I didn't.)

God Bless!
Anonymous said…
There's never such a thing as too many prayers - thanks a million!
Alyssa, you're right! He is awesome! :))
Anonymous said…
Hey, Alyssa, your party sounded like an absolute blast! Wish that we could do something like that but sadly there are not enough kindred spirits in our area.

I take it that you are an LOTR fan? I have always wanted to make a costume from that film-they had so many lovely ones.
Anonymous said…
Wow, I am so excited to see all these messages for me! Almost like checking my email. :)

Lady Rose- I made my costume. However, I got the pattern from Simplicity, which you can find in any of their pattern catalogues. (Wal-Mart or Jo-anne's Crafts would have it, definitely. :) Oh, and I love St. Rose of Lima, too. :)

Mae- You're welcome. :) That's what Catholics are supposed to do, right? :) Besides, my own little brother wants to become one, too, so pray for him and we'll be even. Lol

Aubrey- Yes!!!! Lol, I am such a huge LOTR fan! If you are too, check out Regina's Small pax blog button- someone drew a picture entitled "Strider", which I happen to love!!! (That's too bad about the lack of kindred spirits in your area....)

Thanks, you all, for commenting! :)
Anonymous said…
Alyssa, no problem! I'll definitely be praying for your little brother who sounds totally awesome. Thanks again!
Anonymous said…
Thank you Mae!

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